The 12th Saudi HPC/AI Conference

Resilience and sustainability: Harnessing HPC and AI for Climate, Natural Resources, and Agriculture

September 2, Septemper 4, 2024 | Abha, Saudi Arabia

Hosted by King Khalid University,
College of Computer Science

08:00 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:30 Opening Remarks by the Conference Chair
09:30 – 10:30 Keynote speaker
“The Operational Forecasting System of the National Center for Meteorology of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”
Dr. Ayman bin Salem Ghulam
CEO National Center of Meteorology

10:30- 11:30 Panel Discussion 1: “Exploring the Insights of HPC for Advancing Environmental Sustainability Initiatives”

Moderator: Saeed Alzahrani - Senior IT Consultant Upstream Digital Center

Younus Mohamed
CTO - Saudi National Center of Meteorology

Bruno Lecointe
Group VP Business support HPC AI & Quantum - Eviden/Atos Group

Dr. Zaphiris D Christidis
Weather/Climate Segment Director at Lenovo
11:30- 12:00 Exhibition Visit
12:00 - 13:00 Prayer and Break
13:00 - 14:30

Session 1: Leveraging High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Genomic Research and Environmental Preservation

Session Chair: Dr. Mohammad Alhefdi

  • “AI opportunities and challenges for environmental preservation”
    Prof. Farooq Adil Syed
    Professor - King Saud University

  • “Leveraging High-Performance Computing in Agricultural Research and Breeding Programs”
    Dr. Yong Zhou
    Research scientist - KAUST

  • Sustainable HPC: A Catalyst for Saudi Arabia's AI Revolution
    Mr. Mohammed AlTassan
    CEO, OmniOps
14:30- 15:30

Session 2: Future of HPC: Cloud, Science, and Open Source

Session Chair: Dr.Abdulmonem Alshahrani

  • “HPC-based Genome Variant Calling Workflow (HPC-GVCW) for plant genomes”
    Dr. Nagarajan Kathiresan
    Computational Scientist – KAUST

  • “AI-Powered Climate Solutions: Innovating for a Sustainable Future”
    Zenith Arabia AI

15:30- 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 -17:15

Session 3: AI Applications for Environmental Sustainability

Session Chair: Dr. Omar Alqahtani

  • “Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Nanotechnology for Smart and Sustainable Development of Agriculture: A Promising Synergy”
    Prof. Mujeeb Khan
    Professor - King Saud University

  • “Generative AI in Computer Vision Tasks “
    Dr. Ahmed Zaki Alsinan
    AI Consultant - Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA)

  • “AI-Driven Solutions for Environmental Challenges”
    Reem Kareem Alshammari
    Academic Researcher - King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST)
08:30-09:00 Registration

Keynote speaker
“High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence Activities in KAUST: An Overview”
Jysoo Lee
Facilities Director of Research Computing Core Labs, KAUST

Keynote speaker
“(Eviden) AI in Action: Empowering Weather Simulation and Climate Modeling”
Bruno Lecointe
Group VP Business support HPC AI & Quantum - Eviden/Atos Group

09:50-10:00 Coffee Break

Session 4: Innovations Shaping the Future: Technology for a Sustainable World

Session Chair: Dr. Majed Alateeq

  • “Weather and Climate High Performance Computing activities at the Lenovo Infrastructure Solution Group”
    Zaphiris D Christidis
    Weather/Climate Segment Director at Lenovo

  • “Towards Sustainable Supercomputing: Architectures and Applications”
    Dr. Saber Feki
    Senior Computational Scientist Lead – KAUST

  • “Sustainable Data Centers”
    Aniello Esposito
    Principal Research Engineer – Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

Panel Discussion 2: “Harnessing HPC and Sustainable Technologies for Environmental and Computational Advancements”

Moderator: Ahmed Aljeshi - Regional Director - HPC & AI at Intel

Professor - King Saud University

Dr. Rahmah Nassr Jrais
Director of Prince Sultan Bin Abdelaziz for Environmental Research Center and Natural Resources Sustainability Department of Biology, College of Science, King Khalid University.

Balamurugan Ramassamy

Director - HPC & Cloud - Altair Engineering India Pvt Ltd

12:00-13:00 Prayer and Break

Session 5: HPC & AI Solutions for the Climate

Session Chair: Dr. Yousef Alhaizaey

  • "Multiscale air quality forecast for Saudi Arabia: HPC challenges”
    Dr. Mohamed Mustafa Abdelkader
    Air Quality Modeling Lead - National Center for Environmental Compliance

  • Path to Zero-Emission Computing: Lenovo Neptune - Liquid Cooling Portfolio
14:00 -14:15 Coffee Break

Session 6: HPC & AI role in environmental resilience and sustainability

Session Chair: Dr. Sarah Abughazalah

  • “Data-Centric Approach for Energy Efficient Medical Image Segmentation”
    Mr. Amr Mohamed Nasr Eldin
    Principal HPC Software Engineer, BrightSkies

  • “The role of materials science for environmental sustainability: How Al can help?”
    Dr. Mohammad Rafe Bin Hatshan
    Director of Central Lab in College of science - King Saud University
Parallel Schedule 1 Parallel Schedule 2
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:40

Workshop 1

“HPC in the Cloud: Unleash Exascale Power & Future-Proof Your Work”
Mr. Abdulrahman Alkhamees,
Principal Customer Engineer – CNTXT

Workshop 4

“Data Science on HPC platforms “

“Trends in HPC architecture enabling accelerated Data Science”
Dr. Saber Feki
Senior Computational Scientist Lead – KAUST

09:40 – 10:20

Workshop 2

“Unveiling the Power of Supercomputing” 

Mr. Amr Mohamed Nasr Eldin
Principal HPC Software Engineer - Brightskies

Workshop 4

 “Parallel and distributed ML/DL on HPC platforms”
Dr. Mohsin Ahmed Shaikh
Computational Scientist - KAUST

10:50– 11:50

Workshop 3

“Harnessing the Power of Parallel Programming with OpenMP” 

Mr. Amr Mohamed Nasr Eldin
Principal HPC Software Engineer - Brightskies

Workshop 4

“Hands on workshop on training a DL model in parallel”
Dr. Mohsin Ahmed Shaikh
Computational Scientist - KAUST
11:50-12-50 Prayer and Break
12:50 - 14:50

Workshop 6

Deploying Deep learning models on NVIDIA Triton Inference Server

"Sustainable Computing: How HPC Hardware and AI are Advancing Environmental Sustainability"

Workshop 5

“Hands-on AI Tools and Techniques”

Abdelghafour Halimi
Facilities Director of Research Computing Core Labs – KAUST

Didier Barradas Bautista
Visualization Scientist – KAUST

Sohaib Ghani
Lead Research Scientist – KAUST

15:00-16:00 Closing Remarks and Awards Ceremony